Celebrate Gender Week with the Carolina Women’s Center! Events include:
Monday, 3/6, 5:30-6:30 in Union 2420
Gender, Activism, and Leadership
Lead by Kate Kryder, Co-Curricular Leadership Program Coordinator, Student Life & Leadership
Students will discuss how to effectively build coalitions and sustained partnerships around issues of gender equity. This interactive session will help students build relationships and create attainable goals and action items.
Tuesday, 3/7, 12-1:30pm in the Hitchcock Room
UAAW Luncheon: Pursuing Gender Equity Everyday.
In the spirit of celebrating the University Awards for the Advancement of Women (UAAW), the CWC is gathering together previous winners to learn how they pursued gender equity in their everyday roles on campus. Bob Pleasants (2011), Laurie McNeil (2010), Terri Phoenix (2015), and Jenny Ting (2013) share how they worked to improve gender equity at UNC Chapel Hill from their positions as faculty or staff. What inspired their action? How did they decide what to do first (and next)? How, in effect, did they become leaders and change agents in their corners of the university?
We hope this discussion will inspire you to ask yourself, “How can I work towards gender equity?”
Lunch will be provided. Please register HERE.
Wednesday, 3/8, 3-5pm in the Union’s Aquarium Lounge
Finding the Mentorship You Need
Maria Erb (Co-Director, Office of Diversity and Student Success with the Graduate School), Susan Girdler (founder of WISDOM), Gloria Thomas (Director, Women’s Center) and Ada Wilson (Director of Inclusive Student Excellence) share how they found mentorship and share strategies to identify mentors and build relationships with them.
This event targets graduate students, junior faculty, and early career staff. Light refreshments will be provided.
For more information and to register for these events, go to the CWC Gender Week Calendar.