Charlene Finley is a doctoral candidate in the School of Information and Library Science
1. What made you decide to pursue a graduate degree?
Pursuing a PhD has always been an ultimate goal of mine. I have always enjoyed being part of the academic community, and this happened to be the right season in my life to do it.
2. What is an important lesson that you learned in the military that has helped you in grad school?
An important lesson that I learned as an Air Force medical technician that has helped me in grad school is to appreciate the richness of a diverse community as an environment for continued learning and growth.
3. What’s the thing you love most about Chapel Hill?
The thing I love most about Chapel Hill is the beautiful UNC campus, and the Weathervane Restaurant at Southern Season.
- If you had any advice for someone thinking about pursuing a graduate degree, what would it be?
Stop thinking. Make an appointment to meet with the professors and graduate students in the area of study in which you have an interest, and make an informed decision to apply to the program of your choice. Better yet, come join us in the School of Information and Library Science!