Would you like to improve your teaching skills? Gain valuable professional experience working with students one-on-one? Learn more about teaching writing? Consider applying to work as a teaching assistant at the Writing Center. We are seeking enthusiastic, student-centered teachers with diverse backgrounds to join our 2017-2018 academic coaching staff. Full-time, degree-seeking graduate students from all UNC-Chapel Hill schools and departments may apply. Writing coaches work 15 hours per week, are eligible for health insurance, and receive the university standard TA stipend ($7850/semester). Applications are due in the Writing Center on March 6. You’ll find application materials and more information at http://writingcenter.unc.edu/about/teaching-assistantships-in-the-writing-center/ (or look under the “About” menu at http://writingcenter.unc.edu).
Writing Center teaching assistants meet with students who are completing various writing projects, such as papers for courses (in any discipline), dissertations, application essays, and business letters. Former TAs describe working at the Writing Center as one of their best graduate school experiences. Becoming a Writing Center coach provides a wonderful opportunity to develop new teaching skills, learn more about yourself as a writer, and join a community of like-minded graduate students. Past writing coaches have often found that their Writing Center training and experience are valued by employers, within and beyond academia.
If you have questions about the Writing Center, visit our website or stop by the Student and Academic Services Building North to talk with current writing coaches. You are also welcome to contact Writing Center Assistant Director Dr. Vicki Behrens at vicki@unc.edu or 919-962-4799.