About Us
Student Success is a program supported by The Graduate School. The Graduate School broadly defines diversity to include graduate and professional students who are racially/ethnically diverse, first-generation, international, LBGTQIA+, or are military-affiliated. Through partnership and enrichment, The Graduate School’s Student Success program provides student- and campus-centered initiatives to support graduate and professional students at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Diverse experiences, backgrounds, viewpoints, and contributions are key elements for the success of any enterprise. The Graduate School at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is committed to sustaining a diverse graduate student body and fostering a climate of inclusion and acceptance. We aim to contribute to the successful degree completion of each student through targeted academic and professional development programs.
The Graduate School’s Student Success program has implemented several initiatives across campus for the success of our graduate student body. Recognizing the intersectionality of identity, students are welcome to take advantage of as many initiatives as appropriate. Our initiatives include:
- Carolina Grad Student F1RSTS (CGSF)
- Global Grads (GG)
- Military-Affiliated Grads (MAGS)
- Queer Graduate and Professional Students (QGAPS)
- Welcoming Ethnic and Racial Inclusion for Student Equity (WE RISE)
- Summer Undergraduate Pipeline (SUP)
Summer Undergraduate Pipeline and research symposium
- Leverages Carolina’s summer undergraduate research programs and assists with the transition to graduate school through professional development seminars and our annual research symposium.
Retention and Completion
- Professional Development seminars
- Community-building events
- Bootcamps (statistics, emotional intelligence)
Carolina Cultivation
- Enrichment events that support the Carolina community through diverse voices. This includes Advancing Narratives, which features distinguished speakers who share knowledge to advance narratives in higher education.
- Beyond These Walls, which features graduate scholars creating knowledge that will impact Carolina and beyond.