“…Student Success has been a constant source of support and encouragement during my time at Carolina. Thank you for always reminding me that I am more than ”just a graduate student”, they have helped me shift from just trying to survive graduate school to me thriving as myself.” —Metika L. Ngbokoli; Ph.D. student; Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Carolina Grad Student Caregivers
The Carolina Grad Student Caregivers (CGSC) initiative exists to support graduate students that are balancing academic needs with caregiving responsibilities. The Student Success program defines caregivers as those who are responsible for caring for children, elders, and/or other family members. This initiative focuses on several opportunities and resources for our caregiving students to aid in their academic success and to help foster a community.
Carolina Grad Student F1RSTS (CGSF)
The Graduate School’s Student Success program defines Carolina Grad Student F1RSTS as those whose parent(s)/guardian(s) have not earned a master’s or doctoral degree. We recognize that our graduate students come from a broad range of diverse educational experiences, with many first-generation graduate students also having been first-generation college students. This initiative focuses on navigating academic culture, thriving as an advanced student, and building community.
Global Grads (GG)
The Global Grads initiative provides numerous opportunities and resources, in conjunction with many campus partners, for our international graduate students to aid in their academic success and to build community.
Military-Affiliated Grad Students (MAGS)
The Graduate School’s Student Success program and the Office of the Dean of Students provide numerous opportunities and resources for our military-affiliated graduate students (active duty, veterans, reservists, or National Guard) to aid in their academic success and to build community.
Queer Graduate and Professional Students (QGAPS)
The Graduate School’s Student Success program and the LGBTQ Center partner to provide opportunities and resources for our LGBTQIA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual)-identified graduate students to aid in their academic success and to build community.
Welcoming Ethnic and Racial Inclusion for Student Equity (WE RISE)
The WE RISE focuses on the retention and the successful graduation of our racially/ethnically diverse graduate students through creating a CommUNITY of excellence.
Summer Undergraduate Pipeline (SUP)
The Summer Undergraduate Pipeline (SUP) is The Graduate School’s Student Success program recruitment arm with the goal of building upon our mission to diversify Carolina’s graduate population.